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Stressed Woman

Employee burnout, stressed and trauma burdened individuals, lack of appetite to excel, emotional exhaustion?

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You are not alone. Organisations across the globe are facing similar challenges within as a fallout of the lockdowns and pandemic panic.


Mindfulness can help reduce stress, anxiety, and conflict with a counter effect of increase in resilience, and emotional intelligence. This leads to improvement in communication in the workspace.

MINDinSight can work with you across functions to bring you to a place of efficiency and productivity in the body, mind, and soul – to bring about true work-life balance.


Programmes for corporates have been carefully developed to enhance productivity, reduce stress, and bring back well-being and resilience in both personal and corporate life. These are aimed at rejuvenating the individual and rejuvenating the organisation.


Some of our 30 – 60 minute programmes include:

  • Programmes for Enhancing Productivity: This package covers a set of programmes which cover Focus & Productivity, Managing Teams Mindfully, Mindful Communication, Boost Creativity & Innovation, Positive Psychology, Confidence Around Change


  • Programmes for Stress Reduction: This package covers a set of programmes which cover topics such as Work-life balance, Preventing Burnout, Stress busting techniques, Work from Home Wellness


  • Programmes for enhancing Well-being and Resilience: Mindful Eating, Improved Sleeping, Preventing Burnout, Mindful Breathing

Contact us to understand what best suits your organisation’s environment and who will benefit.

Do note that these courses can be in either the physical or virtual format.

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