The still waters of a lake reflect the beauty around it. When the mind is still, the beauty of the self is reflected.”
- Vanda Scaravelli

What is “Mindfulness”?
One’s mind plays a critical role in defining how one interacts with the environment one is placed in. We can either be affected by what goes on or influence the situation that is before us.
Mindfulness trains the being to be fully present and aware of one’s situation but not being overwhelmed by what is happening and react out of control.
“[Mindfulness is] the practice of maintaining a non-judgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.”
​Merriam – Webster Dictionary
Programme Overview
At MindInSight, we cater to the requirements of the following segments.

Employee burnout, stressed and trauma burdened individuals, lack of appetite to excel, emotional exhaustion? Mindfulness can help reduce stress, anxiety, and conflict.
Teacher retention becoming challenging? Stressed? Emotionally distraught? Lost one’s passion to teach?
Mindfulness offers strategies that will help the educator overcome impediments.
Pressure in handling beyond one’s capacity? Stressed out with waves of ill health around you? Burnt-out? Lost your initial passion for your profession? Emotionally fatigued?
Mindfulness techniques enable such professionals to navigate the stressful hospital environment
Stressed? Unable to handle situations and pressure? Struggling to connect and relate with others?
Mindfulness techniques are designed specifically to help individuals in managing their emotions and find more meaning and joy in their lives.